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Child Development

Child Development Your child is not eating enough food?? What to do ?? Children loves colors. It is a proven fact and many foods nutritionist had proved that fact. They are attracted towards colors. So don’t panic, just try colors. Different colors make them eat various ingredients. You can try smoothies and various options in veggies. Jennifer the mom, of jack always complains that his 5-year-old son always shows tantrums in eating. What to do?? She is taking some feeding classes from famous nutritionist. But not to worry, this blog will travel through the lines of child psychology. If you just add some colors in your food, that would attract child’s attention. Like you can add pepper in your food. Seeing vibrant colors, child’s mind thinks there is something in that food. He is attracted towards that dish, and will to try. These tricks are very useful for those parents whose children doesn’t eat at all. This type of colors instantly figures out the feeling of eating in child’s brain. Just add colors in food and enjoy the feeling of eating food by your child. There is different type of sauces you can add like tomato, soya, and green sauce to your food. So powerful moms don’t get upset, just add colors and see the magic.